143 Fun Challenges For Friends
Make unforgettable memories with your best pals with some interesting activities!

Image: Midjourney/ StyleCraze Design Team
Bring a spark of life to your group with some fun challenges for friends. Adventure and celebrations become manifold around pals. And these adventure challenges can add a pinch of excitement to all that madness! So, the next time you hang out with your gang of friends, make sure to attempt the challenges mentioned in the article and create some awesome memories. These challenges were handpicked based on popular trends and reviews on online social platforms from people who love to add some thrill to their friendships. These suggestions range from lighthearted dares to more adventurous tasks and are designed to keep everyone engaged and make your time together unforgettable. You can challenge your friends to do these cool and amusing tasks and have a blast. Check them out!
In This Article
143 Fun Challenges For Friends
If you are looking to add some excitement to your time together, exploring different fun things to do with your friends can provide endless entertainment.
Note: Before starting any physical challenge, make sure the space is clear of obstacles, and everyone knows their spatial limits. For physical challenges, ensure no one is at risk of injury, and consider any health concerns that could make certain challenges unsafe for some people (like allergies or medical health conditions). If anything feels uncomfortable or unsafe, skip it or tweak the game as needed. Always prioritize safety, comfort, and respect for each other when trying to have a fun time.
Here are some challenges you can try:
1. Blindfolded Food Eating Challenge

Blindfold one of the friends in your group. The others can take turns to feed them different kinds of food – it may be the sweetest sugar cube to the hottest Carolina Reaper pepper. They must guess what food it is. The person with the most number of correct guesses wins.
2. Baby Food Gobbling Challenge
We all hated the taste of bland baby food as kids, but the same food seems appetizing now. Well, in a nutty challenge like this, you are always welcome to be the craziest. Just to make it more fun, serve it in a baby bowl and when your friend has a spoonful stuffed in their cheeks, make sure to take a funny photo and frame it.
Want to make it even more interesting? Have friends rate all the flavors of the foods! Create a funny scoreboard and track who enjoys each flavor the most! This will make the challenge even more hilarious and fun.
3. Chopstick And Greasy Bean Challenge
Grease two ceramic bowls with butter. Place a small soaked bean in it and ask two of your friends to pick the seed up with a chopstick and place it in the other bowl. It will be fun cheering for the task and seeing who gives up first. Let the winner have the bean as a trophy!
4. Bubble Wrap Challenge
Don’t we all love the sound of popping bubble wrap? Well, try it another way with your friends. Wrap a bubble wrap around your arm and let your friends use markers of different colors to pop the bubbles. The one who gets the highest pops wins!
5. Longest Hula Hoop On A Trampoline Challenge
We all love playing with hula hoops. But ever get shivers at the thought of losing gravity on a trampoline while going swish-swish on the hoop? Well, there is no fun without hurdles, right? Have fun!
6. Ice Bucket Challenge
The ice bucket challenge never gets old.
How about making it more exciting by blindfolding five friends? Four of them get a bucket of Lego toys and the chosen one gets the ice bucket. Watch them freak out and pray for their luck!
7. Balloon-In-Air Challenge
Let the next challenge be against gravity. Picture this: a bunch of grown-ups fighting in a room full of balloons, trying their level best to not let them touch the ground. All they can do is blow them off until they descend to touch the ground. Each person has their color of balloon to save. The person who wins gets to jump on all the balloons that finally fall on the floor. This will surely light up the place and the mood of the party.
8. Chubby Bunny Challenge
You were probably taught as a kid not to speak with your mouth full. Well, not if it’s a challenge for you. Stuff your mouth with marshmallows and call out “Chubby Bunny” every time you put in a new one. The person who gets the most marshmallows in their mouth and is still able to speak wins!
9. Smoothie Without Straw Challenge
A person with Obsessive Compulsive Disorderi A chronic illness in which people have recurring unwanted thoughts or sensations and feel the urge to do something repeatedly. will steer clear of this challenge because seeing a smoothie in a petri dish without a straw will surely make them uncomfortable. What is even crazier is the challenge is to wipe the dish clean without using your hands or a straw. So, put your tongue to good use!
10 Drawing Blindfolded

They say that there is an artist in every child, and as we grow up, we push the creativity away. Well, this creativity challenge will surely awaken the Leonardo Da Vinci in you. All you need to do is paint your dreams, only blindfolded! Make this artistic challenge more fun by setting a topic like – draw your favorite fruit or a decent sketch of your crush.
11. Makeup Challenge
How about making someone do your makeup who holds the brush like a knife and the eyeliner like a scalpel? All the best to the final outcome when you let your buddies challenge themselves on who will come up with the best makeup! Don’t forget to take pictures of the model and the makeup artist.
12. Hairdo And Ramp Walk Challenge
Each friend has unique characteristics that cannot be compared to another. How about doing the hair and makeup for the boys and let them have their own fashion show for everyone? Add along some music, and the best walk and hairdo wins the pageant!
13. Building A Cheese Cracker House Challenge
You can always test a person’s patience level by asking them to build a cheese cracker house. Make it even more fun by giving out a layout and making it a joint effort. Let your inner architect and designer shine!
14. Memory Game Challenge
Some games never get too old. Arrange a table with all kinds of regular knick-knacks and let your friends see it for not more than 10 seconds. Then, cover the table and ask them to list out all the things they saw. Each wrong item they mention will incur a punishment of taking a shot of vodka. The one with the maximum right answers wins!
15. Mimicry Challenge
No one knows us better than our friends. Challenge them to do impressions of one another, and the one who does it perfectly wins. It will be fun to see how well your friends observe your habits.
16. Stuffing A Pancake Challenge
We are all foodies when it comes to tasty snacks, but what about when being timed? Prepare huge pancakes for this food challenge, and whoever finishes their pancake first wins. To make things exciting, cover the pancake with spicy sauce.
17. Blindfold Kissing Challenge
This is a quirky challenge where every person in the room is blindfolded. Run around and kiss the first person you catch hold of. Feel the rush of challenge already?
18. Brain Freezer Challenge
See how well your friend answers your queries when their feet are dipped in ice-cold water! The longer they take to answer, the more ice cubes you add to the tub. The one who answers all the questions the quickest wins.
19. Hot Chili Challenge
There is no fun without a slightly burning tongue. Place small bowls of hot chili sauce in front of all your friends. The challenge is to finish all the hot sauce by just dipping your finger in and licking it. The one who finishes it the fastest wins a glass of water. This challenge can also inspire light-hearted pranks to do on friends, adding a playful twist to your hangouts.
20. Eating A Sour Lemon Without Any Expressions Challenge

Challenge your friends to eat sour lemon without making any expression or cringing. The one who does it without a twitch wins. Combine this challenge with friend tag questions to ask and reveal surprising facts about each other, making the challenge both physical and mental and making the time spent together even more enjoyable.
21. Water-Filled Balloon Challenge
A water balloon fight never gets too old. Hand your friends buckets of colored water balloons. The person who colors you the fastest with the balloons wins.
22. Move The Cherries To The Next Bowl Challenge
A simple yet fun challenge would be to move cherries from one bowl to another without using your hands! The fastest one to fill the other bowl without dropping the cherries wins.
23. Spin Dizzy Challenge
This childhood challenge involves blindfolding a person and spinning them around until they lose their sense of direction. They have to find the other people in the room. The one they catch first is blindfolded next.
24. Drinking Challenge
Although it seems easier than most challenges, here’s the twist: every shot needs to be accompanied by two push-ups. The one with the highest score wins!
25. Truth Or Dare Challenge
The mother of all challenge games never fails to steal the show! It still rocks as the platform for the toughest challenges and the revelation of the darkest secrets.
26. Guess The Finger Challenge
Keeping it simple for a change! Blindfold a person and touch them with a body part. Let them guess which body part it was.
27. Talk To A Stranger Challenge
This challenge calls for good public speaking skills. Your friends need to go out and start a conversation with a random stranger. The one to keep the conversation going the longest wins.
28. Jump Rope Challenge
This one is pretty straightforward. The one who manages to continue skipping the longest wins.
29. Skate Boarding Challenge
Skateboarding is an art and not everyone can master it in a day. However, this fun challenge calls for riding the skateboard on your belly and making it across the room the fastest.
30. Guess The Song Challenge

Retracing the dance steps to your favorite songs can be challenging, and even more so when you need to make your friend guess the song through dancing. The first one to guess it right wins.
31. Lip Reading Challenge
How fun would it be to try and lip-read what a person is trying to say while the other team tries to misguide you?
32. Singing With Water In The Mouth
Something as simple as singing your favorite song can be a herculean task if you are asked to sing with water in your mouth. The one to hold on to the song the longest without gulping the water or spitting it out wins.
33. Passing The Ball Challenge
Let’s go old-school by passing a ball around while the music plays. When the music stops, the person who has the ball loses and must do what the others ask them to. The last one standing wins.
34. The Sack Running Challenge
Bring the sports day challenge back! Everyone pulls up sacks until their waist. The one who makes it to the finishing point without toppling over wins.
35. Mannequin Challenge
The Mannequin Challenge has spread its reach far and wide. Challenge your friends to stand/sit/lie lifeless. The one who stays “statue” the longest wins.
36. Funny Photo Challenge
We are all great at posing for pictures. However, when it comes to posting them on social media, we tend to get conscious. Let the next challenge be taking a funny picture and posting it online. The one with the most reactions wins in this social challenge.
37. No Lights Makeover Challenge
Giving someone a makeover is not a cakewalk. Doing it in pitch darkness is next to impossible. Let your friends find creative ways to complete the challenge. The one who does the best makeover wins!
38. No Thumb Messaging Challenge
We don’t really understand the value of our thumb until we have to message someone. This challenge involves typing out a text with your thumb taped to your index finger. The person who replies the fastest and correctly wins.
39. Hand Puppet Challenge
This is another fun challenge for your friends. One of the players puts their hands behind their back and their partner goes behind them and loops their arms in front to gesture whatever the person has to say. The team who synchronizes the best wins.
40. Eating A Cake With The Hands Tied Back Challenge

Getting messy with cake is always fun with friends. For this challenge, gather all your friends around a table with a cake for each person. They need to finish up the whole cake with their hands tied behind their back.
41. Stacking Oreos Challenge
Who doesn’t love Oreos? In this challenge, participants need to make towers of Oreos, and the tallest Oreo tower that stands erect wins.
42. Asking Strangers For A Penny Challenge
If you are a person with good public speaking skills, you might want to participate in this challenge. This calls for going out on the road and asking random strangers for a penny. The one who collects the maximum pennies wins.
43. Powder A Chalk With Your Forehead Challenge
Find out how strong your forehead is by grinding chalk with it. Place pieces of chalk on a table, and whoever grinds them the fastest with their forehead wins.
44. Crack An Egg With Your Head Challenge
Ask your friends questions about yourself, and if they fail to answer them, crack an egg on their head. Fair way to keep up the friendship and a fun way to punish them too!
45. Don’t Laugh Challenge
Annoying your friend by tickling them is super fun. The challenge for them is to not laugh while you tickle them. Any sign of giggling, and they lose!
46. Lick Toothpaste Challenge
Most people find the taste of toothpaste purely disgusting. However, no matter how sickening it may feel, the challenge is to lick all the toothpaste clear off your brush. The first to finish wins!
47. Try Not To Giggle Challenge
Being reminded of funny stories and not laughing can be tougher than you think. Recount your funniest experiences or show funny cat videos. The challenge for your friends is to not laugh, no matter what. The one who manages to not let out a giggle wins.
48. Bottle Swordfight Challenge
Now, this is a challenge that is fit for gladiators. Use bottles as swords to fight one another. No one gets hurt, but it’s a sight to behold and so much fun too. The first person to drop the bottle loses.
49. Whisper Challenge
Let the only audible sound be giggles as you challenge your friend across the room to read your lips while he has headphones on with music blasting. Imagine what he hears when you say “jazz coal!”
50. Yoga Pose Challenge

Those were the golden childhood days of strong backs and fast legs. Well, think again. Increase your flexibility by doing the yoga pose challenge. You have to do any yoga pose your friend challenges you to do, failing which you will have to do 10 sit-ups.
51. Walk On The Plank Backwards Challenge
We have all have tried walking backwards on a plank after watching Peter Pan. Let’s recreate it again – but make things more challenging. This time, you need to do it with heels on and blindfolded! The one who does it the fastest without falling wins.
52. Blow The Biggest Bubble Challenge
We all wished someone saw us when we blew the biggest bubble gum when we were kids. Now is the time to do it again. Distribute bubble gums to everyone in the room, and the one who blows the biggest bubble without popping wins.
53. The Phone Challenge
Giving your phone to someone else along with the password is a modern horror story. This one is rated as the scariest of challenges. You can all exchange your phones with full liberty to use all the applications and check out the gallery. Goosebumps already? The last person to take their phone back wins!
54. Crossdressing Challenge
Won’t it be cute to see the hunky men in cute pink tops and lacey skirts and the girls in loose tees and long shorts? Just for a challenge, you can parade down the nearest street and make the crowd go nuts with your appearance.
55. Karaoke Challenge
Singing along to your favorite songs is always a fun activity for family and friends. To make things crazier, put on songs of a foreign unknown song and watch the fun begin!
56. Say Anything Challenge
This new challenge is simple. All you need to do is say the first thing that comes to your mind when you hear a word. If you repeat any word, you lose.
57. The Juice Challenge
This new challenge is straight out of childhood. You need to gargle with juice in your mouth while you try your level best to answer all the questions thrown at you correctly and without spitting out the juice. The person with the least spillage after the rapid fire round wins.
58. Catch The Food Before It Falls In The Water Challenge
Imagine your favorite slice of pizza being thrown in the air and you have to grab it by your teeth before it falls into a tub of water. To make things even more challenging, the person who loses has to eat the soggy drenched pizza from the tub!
59. Crawling On All Fours Again Challenge
Missing your childhood? How about you go back in time and arrange a race, but on all fours. Won’t it be fun seeing all the grown-ups rubbing their knees and trying their best to crawl all the way to the finishing point!
60. Building A Biscuit Tower On A Friend’s Belly

For a friend who partners with a person with a jelly belly, this might not be their day to win. The challenge calls for building a biscuit tower on the belly of the partner. The team with the highest tower wins.
61. “Never Have I Ever” Challenge
The best way to find out all your friends’ secrets is to play the Never Have I Ever game. Pour out drinks and take turns confessing what you have done. Every person who has done the thing mentioned needs to take a sip from their glass. The one who finishes their drink first this way wins.
62. Making Clothes Out Of Newspapers And Pins Challenge
Awaken the fashionista in you! Make clothes out of newspaper for your model friends who will then hit the ramp to flaunt them. It will surely be a fun experience to see who walks on just a newspaper wrap and who gets to wear boats and airplanes.
63. Chinese Whisper Challenge
This game never gets too old. It’s hilarious to witness how much one sentence can change when it goes through so many people. There will probably be no winners, but when all of you roll over the floor laughing, it’s a win-win!
64. Call Your Dad To Sing A Nursery Rhyme And Hang Up Without An Explanation
What could be scarier than calling your dad and singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to him? It is even worse when you don’t get to explain to him what made you do it even when he calls you back. If you get it done without a clarification, you win.
65. Cooking Challenge
Conduct a cooking competition with all your friends, and judge it amongst yourselves. The one who makes the best dish wins the title of MasterChef Monica.
66. Hold The Coconut Together Challenge
Pair up your friends and ask them to finish a race holding a coconut between their bellies and without using their hands. They need to carry the coconut all the way to the finishing point.
67. Paint With Your Body Challenge
Not all artists paint with a brush. Make the challenge messy and fun by asking your friends to make a big painting together with their hands and feet. By the end of the challenge, the artists will be more colorful than the painting. Don’t forget to capture the moment!
68. Racing On One Leg Challenge
This game from your childhood is sure to bring back a flood of memories. This fitness challenge requires you to simply race to the finishing line by hopping on one leg.
69. Tornado Challenge
Ever felt dizzy going round a merry-go-round but still did it because it was fun? Well, you can try it as an adult again. The challenge is to answer five easy questions asked by your friend while spinning around like a tornado. If you answer wrong or stop spinning, you lose.
70. Human Pyramid Challenge

As kids, you used to wrestle all over with your friends. But have you tried doing that after attaining adulthood? Have fun making human pyramids with your friends and see how high you can go. The group that makes the highest pyramid wins.
71. Making A Sandwich With Hands Tied Behind Your Back Challenge
We all are good cooks when it comes to making a simple sandwich. Picture having all the ingredients but missing your hands to do it. Won’t it be fun seeing the chefs use their mouth and struggle really hard to make their masterpiece?
72. The Arm-Wrestling Challenge
This game might be the best challenge for those who hit the gym on a regular basis! In this challenge, you and your friends will compete one-on-one in a classic arm wrestling match. Take this up a notch with embarrassing penalties for losers.
73. Write A Poem From Random Words Challenge
This one is for aspiring poets! Divide yourself into small teams. Each team will prepare a list of random words and then exchange the list with one another. You have to construct a poem from those words. The team with the most legible poems wins!
74. Comedy Roast Challenge
Volunteer to critique other people in a light-hearted, comic style. It’s all in good faith though – make fun of them slightly and make everyone laugh out loud. It sharpens your creative acumen, besides making others burst into giggles!
75. Frog Jump Challenge
Time to test your core strength! Squat on the ground like a frog and begin hopping your way to the finish line. You can take this up a notch by hopping back to the starting point after reaching the finish line. Whoever does this first wins!
76. T-shirt Cutting Design Challenge
If you were wondering how to use your ratty t-shirts then here’s a fun solution for you. Bring out the scissors and transform your old t-shirts into snazzy new designs! The one with the most creative transformation wins four sitting ovations!
77. Home Garden Flower Arrangement Challenge
Make full use of those beautiful flowers you have been growing in your garden. Show off your artistic side by creating floral masterpieces. The best arrangement declared by peers takes the cake.
78. Ghost Story-telling Challenge
Bring down the temperature a notch by narrating eerie tales to your group of friends. The storyteller who gives the most chills with their ghost story deserves the first place. However, it’s understood that everyone will sleep with their one eye open after the challenge!
79. Solve A Jigsaw Puzzle Challenge
The challenge sounds easy right? But what’s a challenge if there’s no twist? For this one, hide all the puzzle pieces in random places, and then let the game begin. The one who hides all the pieces can be the timekeeper, while the others hunt for the missing piece. The one who collects the most pieces in this game wins prizes!
80. Blindfolded Mixing Drinks Challenge

What could go wrong with mixing drinks you might wonder? Well, if you have to do that with your eyes closed then a lot of things could go awry. Become a creative mixologist with a blindfold over your eyes and mix a variant range of alcoholic/non-alcoholic drinks! Keep something to calm the stomach, as it may come in handy.
81. Cotton Ball Scooping Blindfolded Challenge
Get ready to go for the cotton ball scoop trade-off. Place a big bowl filled with cotton balls and give a spoon and an empty bowl to each of your friends. The challenge is to scoop the maximum count of cotton balls with a spoon, putting them in the empty bowl within a minute while being blindfolded. The one who fills the maximum is the smarty winner.
82. 2-Minute Recipe Challenge
Run as fast as you can to cook a brilliant, tasty snack in 2 minutes! While time is money, the clue is to slay ’em with your ultra-speed culinary skills. Let the most delish dish win!
83. Build A LEGO Town Challenge
Unleash your inner architect but within a time limit. Get your LEGO and start building. Do not simply stack; innovate across horizons – skyscrapers, apartments, malls, lakes, and lawns!
84. Gift Wrapping Chocolate With Mittens Challenge
Who says mittens are only used to take out a baked good from the oven? You can use it for games like this too! Don a pair of mittens and then speedily try to wrap a bar of chocolate or a small gift box. The fastest wrapper without tearing the paper wins!
85. Chopsticks And M&M’s Challenge
This challenge calls for chopsticks and M&M’s. See who can manage to pick up most pieces of candy from one plate and put them in another within a minute using only chopsticks.
86. Flour Frenzy
Create a messy yet hilarious atmosphere by forming a flour mound or heap with candy on top. Each of you has to use a plastic spoon to cut away the flour from the sides without dropping the candy; the one who drops the candy must retrieve it with their mouth.
87. Soccer Ball Juggling Challenge
How long can you keep a soccer ball in the air exclusively using your feet? Players have to juggle the ball the longest they can without dropping it. Showcase those skills, and try not to let the ball touch the ground.
88. Draw With Your Mouth Challenge
Bring out your artistic talents, but this time with a pencil in your mouth! You will be given an object to draw, and you have to try and draw it as close to the original as possible. Of course, the one with the best drawing takes away the prize.
89. Q-Tip Dart Challenge
Try out a DIY dart! Draw targets on a plain t-shirt and try to see how good your aim is with just a Q-tip attached to a straw. Don’t forget to put paint at the end of the Q-tip to see who hit where.
90. Musical Chair
Arrange chairs in a circle with one chair less than the number of players. Play music, and as soon as it stops, take a seat immediately. The person left standing is disqualified, and one chair is removed for the next round. Continue until only one person remains seated.
91. Guess The Movie Challenge
Movie buffs, this challenge is for you. Each of you will take turns summarizing a movie in three lines, while the others have to guess the movie name. The description can be as wild and as creative as possible. The one who wins gets the title of being the Movie King/Queen.
92. Mustache Drawing Challenge
Members will have a whisker drawing contest where a lottery will decide which type of mustache you have to draw. Techniques don’t matter, neither do aesthetics: it is the concept that wins!
93. Shapes In The Sky Challenge
Stare up at the clouds and try to spot different shapes. The player who spies the most unusual ones wins! Get creative, keep laughing, and remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
94. Reverse Talking Challenge
Speak backward! It sounds hilarious, but it is a tricky challenge. Pick out the phrase of your choice and then begin the game! This challenge will also let you discover how plenty of famous tongue twisters are spoken in reverse.
95. Rubix’s Cube While Jumping Rope Challenge
Test your ability to multitask in this challenge. Start juggling a Rubix’s cube while skipping rope! Two of your friends will hold the rope while you skip and juggle the cube. The one whose quick reflexes and thinking are in sync wins.
96. Mystery Accent Challenge
Discover your linguistic talent. Pick a chit containing a randomized ethnic accent from a bowl and try talking in that accent. Enjoy the dynamic diversity and see who can nail this challenge!
97. Paper Plane Making Challenge
Let out your innermost child and create a couple of paper planes. The person whose plane flies the furthest takes the crown of being the paper plane maestro.
98. Heavy Backpack Race Challenge
Know who among your friends can be the best camping partner. Test your back strength with fully loaded backpacks while running a race. Finish the stipulated distance to win the challenge; if someone falls before reaching the endpoint, they are immediately disqualified.
99. Marriage Proposal To A Stranger Challenge
How far can your bravado go? In this challenge, you have to walk up to a stranger and propose with a ring you made from a string! Think of what could convince someone to marry you. Don’t cheat by targeting someone you know!
100. Pet Makeover Challenge

Dress-up ain’t just for people. If you have a pet or pets, why not include them in the fun? Whoever can give these beautiful souls the cutest makeover using clothes on hand will win. Ensure not to discomfort your pet though!
101. Extreme Planking Challenge
Test your core strength and balance by challenging your friends to experiment with various types of planks. The longest plank holder takes the cup!
102. 100 Push-up Challenge
Challenge your friends to complete 100 push-ups. The goal is to see who manages to nail this challenge. The one who gives up after 10 push-ups has to do 5 sit-ups.
103. “Invisible Obstacle Course” Challenge
For this challenge, you will need blindfolds and an improvised obstacle course, where the goal will be to navigate through it without any guidance. It may sound easy, but the number of surprise tumbles will undoubtedly ensure laughter all around. If someone can complete the course without tripping over anything, they emerge as the winner.
104. Taskmaster Challenge
Challenge the group to each perform a simple activity like folding paper or swinging a tennis racket. Except, the trick is that they can only use their non-dominant hand. The last one standing is the winner!
105. Improv Storytelling Challenge
Pick cards with random words written on them from a bag and weave those words into a coherent, engaging tale right on the spot. May the most imaginative storyteller emerge victorious!
106. Tattoo Me Challenge
Who hasn’t doodled on their hand or face while being bored in class? Unleash the artist within you and draw temporary tattoos on each other using easy-wash ink. Be creative and have fun while you switch from canvas to canvas. May the creative one win!
107. Tongue Twister Challenge
Make a list of tongue twisters. Each person has to pick one and say it five times without stuttering or messing up. The one who perseveres until the end wins!
108. What’s In The Box Challenge
Place a variety of items in a box. Each participant, without looking, has to reach in and guess what the item is by touching it. The person with the most accurate guesses wins the laughter-filled challenge.
109. Pillow Fight Challenge
Since when did sleepovers become so quiet and boring? Awaken your childhood’s most cherished memory of pillow fights and do it again. This challenge allows everyone to get involved and bring out their rowdiest side.
110. Video Game Marathon Challenge

Call all the video game enthusiasts! Engage in a non-stop game marathon by setting up multiple game stations and letting everyone play until just one is left unbeaten.
111. Viral TikTok Dance Challenge
Take a famous TikTok dance routine and have you and your friends record your own versions, but you have to choreograph your own moves. Save the video and once everyone is done, play them one by one. The video that gets the most snickers and giggles wins!
112. Alphabet Game
Try taking turns naming objects that start with the letter of the alphabet from first to last. The fun part of this challenge is that each successive object being named has to be related to the initially named item. The first person who can’t think of a relevant name is out!
113. Suitcase Packing Challenge
Split up your buddies into teams and test their skills at efficient packing. Each team is given the same list of items to pack in a suitcase as quickly as they can, but the catch is, that the suitcase has to close properly! The fastest team with a closed suitcase wins!
114. Comic Strip Draw Challenge
Drawing under time constraints does get offbeat at times! Get your friends to depict a short silly story within five already drawn frames. The narrative which has a clear but hilarious outline, gets the crown!
115. The Floor Is Lava
You and your friends have a few seconds to find refuge anywhere but on the ground. Start the countdown and get on the nearest furniture because the floor is turning into lava! When the countdown comes to an end, the one who is still somehow in contact with the ground loses.
116. Jenga Play
You and your friends take turns in pulling out one block from the stacked up tower of blocks without toppling it over. Then place the extracted block on the top. The one who manages to bring the tower down has to do a funny dance as a punishment.
117. Strike A Pose
For this challenge, you or one of your friends have to be responsible for starting and stopping the music. Once that’s sorted, the rest will begin dancing as soon as the music starts and strike a pose whenever the music stops. Let the laughter riot begin!
118. Bowling Challenge
You don’t have to go to a bowling alley for this one. Gather a few empty plastic bottles of similar height and a soccer ball. Fill the bottles partially and place them in a pyramid shape. Take turns in bowling while keeping track of who scored how much. Set up how many rounds you want to play and at the end, announce the winner!
119. Blindfolded Dodgeball Challenge
This challenge will test your reflexes. The quicker your reflexes are, the better your chance is at winning. Tie a blindfold over your eyes and dodge the ball as many times as possible, but if you are hit more than five times then you are out.
120. Household Chores Race Challenge

Time to have some fun with all the household chores that everyone avoids especially if you are housemates or flatmates. Set aside brooms, brushes, dusters, and bin bags. The first one to clean a set area wins. Losers get to do the dishes.
121. Share An Embarrassing Habit Challenge
Prepare yourselves and chuck all your filters out! This challenge involves everyone sharing a unique, unknown, embarrassing habit that they have never disclosed. Whoever manages to surprise everyone by offering the most unique habit grabs the crown.
122. Flip Bottle Challenge
Bring the focus into play with this challenge. Fill a bottle halfway, and begin flipping it into the air, aiming for it to tumble to the floor perfectly upward. The one who flips the bottle accurately the most wins.
123. Chalk And Paint Challenge
Remember drawing with chalk on your driveway as a kid? So bring out the paintbrushes and colors, and fulfill your nostalgia while challenging your friends to make the biggest masterpiece within a given time.
124. Shadow Dancing Challenge
Nothing beats a good old dance-off challenge. Add some extra fun and host it with a twist – dancing in front of a large projector or under a streetlight while synced with your shadow. The shadows have to be clearly visible while dancing. The shadow that looks super cool while dancing takes the cup.
125. Replicate The MasterChef Dish Challenge
Pick an epic, complex dish usually made by renowned chefs and try replicating it with your mates. The one whose culinary attempts appear alike and looks closest to the original receives a standing ovation.
126. Bookmark Making Challenge
Make this an engaging yet relaxing challenge. Scavenge through printed material, grab scissors, glue, and other stuff to begin your creativity! Whoever crafts the quirkiest, most striking bookmark wins.
127. Guess The Baby Photo Challenge
Collect a range of your and your friends’ baby pictures and mix them all up to see if everyone can guess each other’s baby face. The person with the correct replies for the most photos wins.
128. Weird Food Combination Challenge
Unleash your culinary creativity by making a weird combination such as cookie dipped in tomato sauce. Taste each other’s creation and whoever has the best weirdest food combination takes away the chefe’s hat.
129. Mystery Taste Test
Arrange various food items covered and shuffled during this taste test challenge. The blindfolded tasters will have to guess the food by taste, smell, and texture. Whoever correctly identifies most, amidst chiding pokes and laughs, reaps this gastronomic success!
130. Origami Challenge

If you have trouble folding a shirt properly, this could probably be three times as hard! Grab some papers and then begin to make origami birds, flowers and various other objects. The one with the most accurate and rightfully timed masterpiece fetches the win!
131. Night Vision Challenge
Hide random objects in different rooms of the house and turn off the lights. Make sure there’s no rechargeable light in the room either. One by one you and your friends will go into the room you have been told to go and find the hidden object within a stipulated time. You cannot take any phone or torch with you. The faster you are, the better your chances are at winning.
132. Draw The Country Flag Challenge
For the Geography buffs, it’s time to put those artistic skills to work. In this challenge, one person will name a random country and the others have to draw the flag. Whoever draws most of the flags correctly is the winner.
133. Sink Or Float Challenge
Take random objects and guess whether they will sink or it will stay afloat before tossing them in water. You can choose to toss these objects in your bathtub, pool, or even a bucket. The player with the most correct guesses wins.
134. Walk On Legos Challenge
Time to brave the nightmare of stepping on these little monsters. Prepare a path of LEGO blocks and see who endures the pain for the longest while walking on them. Despite the teeth-clenching pain, this challenge will create moments of laughter and shrieks that will stay ingrained in your memory. The one who manages to finish the walk gets applauded as the real hero.
135. Cookie Face Challenge
The ones with a sweet tooth, gather around because here’s a sweet challenge for you. Each of you has to place an Oreo on your forehead and without using your hands try to get the cookie into your mouth. You will get three tries. The one who wins all three emerges as the winner.
136. Egg Spelling Bee Challenge
Instead of normal spelling words, get messy with eggs. Crack an egg if you spell a word wrong. The one who ends up cracking most of the eggs has to make a dish out of it.
137. One-Liner Joke Challenge
This challenge is a real ice-breaker! Bring all your friends together and challenge them to make everyone else laugh with a one-liner joke. Remember, the trickier the punchline, the harder the laughter.
138. Herbal Tea Brewing Contest
This precision-tester challenge requires that every team meticulously brew a heartwarming cup of herbal tea using designated ingredients. The best blend wins!
139. Donut Dangle Challenge
Turn snack time into fun time with this amusing challenge. Erect two poles and tie a rope across them. Hang the donuts on them at different heights using strings. The goal is to eat the donut without using your hands.
140. Sticky Note On The Face Challenge

Ever stuck a note and it refused to glue accurately? Just imagine sticking as many sticky notes as possible on your face in one minute. The one with the most sticky notes on their face wins the challenge!
141. Play The Songs Backwards Challenge
Everybody loves music, but can you recognize songs played backward? Whoever guesses the most songs and the artists correctly wins. Make sure it’s a super mix—no two songs should be by the same artist!
142. Magic Carpet Race Challenge
Using an old rug or towel, you race to the finish line by moving in a seated or kneeling position. Add more fun to this by trying reverse and sideward movements!
143. Alphabet Backwards Challenge
This is a great challenge if you’re looking for a brain workout. Can you say or write the alphabet backward without messing up? The tense moments leading to ZYX’s right order surely add to the fun challenge.
If you want to get your creative juices flowing and make your own challenges, personalized to each of your friends, then the next section is for you! Keep reading!
Key Takeaways
- Hanging out with friends is always a blast and filled with laughter and excitement. You can create some lasting memories with your friends by completing fun challenges together.
- You can try doing the chubby bunny challenge or engage in the classic truth or dare challenge.
- These challenges not only give you an adrenaline rushi A sudden feeling of intense excitement and enhanced physical ability caused by a surge of adrenaline (stress hormone) in your body. but also make for wonderful memories that you will cherish forever.
Tips For Creating Your Own Challenges
While the challenges mentioned in this article are fun, don’t hesitate to customize them to fit your group’s interests! Here are a few tips you can follow.
- Consider your friends’ preferences and comfort levels. Make sure everyone is comfortable with the challenges.
- Mix physical challenges with creative ones to cater to everyone’s personalities and hobbies. If you are a sporty group, you can add some physical challenges as well.
- You can add a time limit for an extra layer of excitement. The stopwatch and back counting can make everything more interesting!
As long as the challenges encourage healthy participation and cater to everyone’s comfort as well as competitive natures, it shall be a fulfilling activity. A study on the psychological and social health benefits of participating in sports, particularly team sports, highlighted the major emotional lift you get from social interactions. This research found that participating in team sports (or group challenges) often leads to better outcomes compared to solo activities. It boosts your self-esteem and also reduces chances of depression and promotes better social connections (1). This underscores the positive impact of social participation on mental health and highlights why challenges for friends are so beneficial for emotional well-being.
Infographic: How To Pick The Best Fun Challenge For Friends
With so many fun challenges to pick from, it might be hard to settle on the perfect one for you and your friends. You may waste more time trying to pick one than playing one. But fret not. We have got your back.
Check out the infographic below for a few tips on picking the best fun challenge for your friends. Illustration: StyleCraze Design Team
We look forward to hanging out with friends as it brings exciting conversations and fun banter. Your friend circle often has a favorite spot where you always meet and a particular set of things you do together. While they are all about a sense of tradition and familiarity, doing the same things may get monotonous. So, mix things up a little by introducing the above fun team challenges for friends. The fun activities and communication challenges will give you a chance to have a hearty laugh and reconnect deeper with your friends.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some fun daily challenges?
These days, Tiktok dances and other social media challenges are very popular. However, if you prefer non-digital challenges, you can try 30-day fitness, diet, or craft challenges or just go around the city/town trying out different foods and experiences.
What can I use for blindfolds?
You can use bandanas, scarves, beanies, head sweatbands, or even long paper strips for blindfolds. The idea is that it must sit comfortably on your eyes, and you shouldn’t be able to see anything. You can also wear a hoodie backward and use its cap to put over your face.
However, be sure to communicate with your friend and set clear boundaries before starting any challenge. It is very important to ensure that everyone feels comfortable in the challenges.
How do you play trust-walk?
Trust-walk is a simple team-building activity where people work in pairs. One person is blindfolded while the other can see. They are supposed to hold hands, and the person who can see, verbally instructs them and leads them around a walking course. The idea is to help blindfold people trust their partners and follow their lead.
Ready for some exhilirating and fun times? Watch this video to explore 22 awesome challenges for you and your friends! Get ready to laugh, compete, and have a blast!
Articles on StyleCraze are backed by verified information from peer-reviewed and academic research papers, reputed organizations, research institutions, and medical associations to ensure accuracy and relevance. Read our editorial policy to learn more.
- A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport

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